Global ID
La première édition globale de International Diplomat Magazine a terminé sa migration ultime, les publications ont été conservées. Cependant, nous finalisons encore les indexations au niveau des articles associés aux auteurs respectifs tout en développant les autres éditions indépendantes. Nous sommes installées dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu.
Interview with the UNESCO-IBE Director, Clementina Acedo

What is “inclusive education” ? According to UNESCO, inclusive education is seen as “a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all learners through increasing participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion from education and from within education.” The goal is that the whole education system will facilitate learning environments where teachers and learners embrace and welcome the challenge and benefits of diversity. Within an inclusive education approach, learning environments are fostered where individual…

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Interview with Shamarpa Rinpoche, the 14th reincarnation of the Red-Hat Lama

It’s not every day that you meet a Lama, not to mention the Red-Hat Lama. Shamarpa Rinpoche was only 3½ years old when he was recognized as being the fourteenth reincarnation of one of the more prominent and unusual hierarch in the Himalayan history. Although born in Kham province (Eastern Tibet), Shamarpa Rinpoche represents less a “Tibetan” lama than a modern spiritual teacher. Very much akin to the western way of life, his life is dedicated to developing pragmatic…

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Titre publié : English, Health & Well-Being Commentaires fermés sur Interview with Shamarpa Rinpoche, the 14th reincarnation of the Red-Hat Lama