Global ID
La première édition globale de International Diplomat Magazine a terminé sa migration ultime, les publications ont été conservées. Cependant, nous finalisons encore les indexations au niveau des articles associés aux auteurs respectifs tout en développant les autres éditions indépendantes. Nous sommes installées dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu.
Walls Between People: Eight modern walls

The International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Geneva is showing a temporary exhibition entitled Walls Between People from 24 September 2008 to 25 January 2009. Based upon the book “Walls between People” by Alexandra Novosseloff and Frank Neisse, the displays are presented in a unique way providing photographs and testimonials whilst physically experiencing the presence of the walls. Geographical mobility redefines new territories, but far from suppressing political barriers, it creates new barriers that are harder to…

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Titre publié : English, Ita's World Commentaires fermés sur Walls Between People: Eight modern walls
Handling media in an humanitarian crisis – Interview with Elisabeth Byrs, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ spokesperson in Geneva

When the tsunami crisis struck on the 26 December 2004, nobody thought that this disaster was going to turn into the most dreadful one that humankind has known for a long time, killing more than 200,000 people. At that time, attention turned to OCHA and the United Nations Relief Co-ordinator and Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Mr Jan Egeland. He mobilized the troops both in Geneva and New York—OCHA were working round the clock … During the tsunami crisis,…

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Titre publié : English, Humanitarians Commentaires fermés sur Handling media in an humanitarian crisis – Interview with Elisabeth Byrs, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs’ spokesperson in Geneva