Global ID
La première édition globale de International Diplomat Magazine a terminé sa migration ultime, les publications ont été conservées. Cependant, nous finalisons encore les indexations au niveau des articles associés aux auteurs respectifs tout en développant les autres éditions indépendantes. Nous sommes installées dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu.
India: Transformation of Horticulture and Agriculture sectors in Jammu and Kashmir

India: Transformation of Horticulture and Agriculture sectors in Jammu and Kashmir The horticulture sector contributes immensely to the economy of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. It has helped in bringing a number of positive social and economic impacts including poverty alleviation and generating self-employment avenues for the youth. Presently, 332704 hectares of land are under horticulture in Jammu and Kashmir with 214162 hectares in Kashmir and 118542 in the Jammu region. Of this 164141 hectares are under…

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Titre publié : Asie, Economy Commentaires fermés sur India: Transformation of Horticulture and Agriculture sectors in Jammu and Kashmir
Publication by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet…China

The publication by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, of a report on China The publication by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, of a report on China just minutes before the end of her term in office has – predictably – caused discontent in both China and among human rights activists. The major point of contention is what the latter claim are concentration camps where some one million Uyghors are…

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Titre publié : Asie, Geneva International Commentaires fermés sur Publication by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet…China