„This is a day of joy for everybody“- that’s how Ambassador Schweppe characterized the 9th of November, the day of the fall of the Berlin wall. Also in Geneva, this joyful day was celebrated in a particular manner : In the presence of 300 guests from Germany and the international community in Geneva, among them more than 60 ambassadors, Director-General Ordzhonikidze and Ambassador Schweppe inaugurated the exhibition „ From Peaceful Revolution to German Unity“ in the Palais des Nations on 9 November.
In his address, Director –General Ordzhonikidze pointed to the highly symbolic fact that the inauguration took place in the Passerelle of the Palais des Nations which connects the old and the new building, because this evening also marked a transition – a passing from an old world order of confrontation to a new age of cooperation. Ambassador Schweppe reminded the audience of the historic consequences of the fall of the Wall : without 9 November, not only German unity, but also the European Union of the now 27 member States would not have been possible.
The exhibition which attracted the interest of also many passers-by who used the „Passerelle“ every day, consisted of severals parts : A series of large posters informed about the first signs of discontent in the former GDR, about the peaceful demonstrations that followed and about the memorable night of 9 November. In a second part, pupils of the German school in Genva exhibited some of the most beautiful works of art they had created under the theme “Feeling Borders – Overcoming Borders”. They were complemented by essays written by Swiss pupils in the eighties after their visits to the border between the two German States which very impressively demonstrated the shock they experienced after the sight of the inhumane installations at the border. The exhibition was open until 26 November 2009.