Turkmen Electrical Energy is Powerful Social and Economic Impulse for the Development of Afghanistan
Turkmenistan provides comprehensive support for peace and wealth of our southern neighbour, Afghanistan. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is confident that exclusively political and diplomatic, trade, economic and humanitarian mechanism have to be used for this. It finds practical implementation in certain activities of our country aimed at support of stabilization processes in Afghanistan, stimulation of the growth of its economy and launch of new industrial, transport and investment projects through the involvement to the system of regional relations.
Putting into operation of power line Rabatakshan – Kalaynau, which was built in Bathyz Velayat and opens another direction of supply of Turkmen energy to northern regions of Afghanistan on beneficial terms, last week on July 26 is another bright evidence of such actual support. After completion of construction of additional power stations and infrastructural facilities, the volume of energy to neighbouring country will significantly increase.
Hyakim of Bathyz Velayat of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Abdul Gafur Malikzay wrote about the importance of this project in his letter to Turkmen leader and expressed the gratitude to the Head of our State for the help to Afghan people.
The message said that home of Bathyz residents are lit up with the light from the power line built owing to personal attention of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It became a bright symbol of fraternal and goon neighbourhood relation to Afghan people. This historical construction will remain forever in the memory of the population of the velayat, the Head of administration of neighbouring Afghan region noted.
It is not worth even saying on powerful social and economic impulse Turkmen energy has supporting the building of new life – peaceful, creative safe and looking to better future. Modern power lines bring the light to the houses of Afghan people and opportunity to build new social and production facilities, plants and factories, which mean additional working places, improvement of life level of people and activation of foreign trade relations.
Participation of President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani, who highly appreciated peace-loving policy of neutral Turkmenistan and progressive international initiatives of Turkmen leader including on Afghan range of issues, indicates the importance of power line Rabatakshan – Kalaynau in Afghanistan.
President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has sent greeting message to the participants of the event. The Head of the State noted that 2018 is held in our country under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” and Rabatakshan – Kalaynau power line, which having stretched from the territory of ancient Merv, goes to the south toward famous Herat and Balkh, would be the symbol of revival of this legendary route.
New 112-kilometre power line with the capacity of 100 megawatt per hour is the first line of additional supplies of energy from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan. National specialists have built number of power facilities including the substations under realization of this project. It is planned to build Kerky – Hamyap – Garkyn 110 KW powerline and relevant facilities in near future. Existing Imamnazar – Andhoy and Serhetabat – Herat powerlines are important components of energy infrastructure of neighbouring country helping its economic revival.
Construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line as well as power and fibre optic line, which is built along the TAPI, are other big projects carried out by the initiative of head of our State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Completion of these projects will be very important not only for participating countries but also for entire region in general.
Taking active position in the objectives of Afghanistan revival, our country made the number of important proposals. All of them are aimed at the development of coordinated approaches to solution of Afghan range of problems by provision of its political space for negotiation process. In this regard, Turkmenistan proposed the initiatives, including from high tribune of the United Nations, on consolidation of efforts in development of new mechanisms for stabilization of the situation in Afghanistan. It includes the elaboration of long-term programme of the revival of economy of this country under the UN aegis.
Our state not only increases gradually the supplies of energy to Afghanistan but also builds social facilities in border provinces. For example, new maternity hospital has been built in Herat. Team of doctors and nurses as well as necessary medical equipment and auxiliary means have been sent to Afghanistan for arrangement of work of this medical facility and training of personnel.
Opening of “Turkmenistan” trading house in Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh Province in August last year was one of practical measures taken by our country under economic cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The trade has always been good instrument making way to social and economic wealth and international cooperation in different directions, which was proven by phenomenal practice of the Silk Road.
In addition, Turkmenistan provides the delivery of 75 percent of all cargo going to Afghanistan by railroads. Supplies of various goods from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan are also growing. It is mostly the oil products and liquefied gas. Turkmen wheat and wheat flour, cement, carbamide and other goods are supplied to the neighbouring state.
Our countries have important role in the development of transit corridors, which stipulate the intensification of cooperation in this direction both in bilateral and multilateral formats. Kerky – Ymamnazar – Akina railroad built by Turkmen specialists is starting segment of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Tajikistan railway and would allow increasing the trade turnover between three countries and would make the conditions for their active integration to the world economic space.
Railroad from border station Serhetabat in Mary Velayat to Afghan city of Turgundy has been built for the short period by the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. This line opens big opportunities for Afghanistan to connect to transport and logistic system of Turkmenistan and to entire region.
The railways and roads will connect Turgundy in Herat province with Ashgabat and after with Turkmenbashy International Seaport on Caspian Sea. After, the corridor will be continued across the sea to Baku and via Tbilisi to Ankara and Istanbul.
Existing railways and motor roads in Turkmenistan already makes considerable part of this transport corridor and the connection of Turgundy is aimed at the facilitation of the logistic of the transit, improvement of economic integration of Afghanistan and trade volumes in the region.
Therefore, Serhetabat – Turgundy railroad created additional prepositions for the development of Afghanistan economy and opened new opportunities for activation of business in this country and entry of Afghan products to the markets of the neighbouring states.
According to the Resolutions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which were signed under the Agreement on cooperation in educational sphere between the Governments of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, representative of Afghan youth study in our universities in such specialities as energy and transport. Training of personnel for service of the TAPI gas line is also carried out.
efficiency of cooperation of our country with neighbouring states and character of such relations are the most confident evidence of the efficiency of its foreign course and tactics of international cooperation in general. Neutral Turkmenistan plays the role of the key factor of stability in Central Asia putting big efforts for Afghanistan would become self-sufficient country and integrate to the world economic relations.
Active position of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan in development of regional and interregional cooperation receive the support of the United Nations.
The Resolution on Renewal of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan has been adopted at the session of the UN Security Council in March 2018. This document provides the support of regional projects in development of Afghanistan including the construction of TAPI gas line initiated by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
As it was highlighted at the session of the UN Security Council, unprecedented project of TAPI gas line represents not only the achievement in regional cooperation and integration but also makes the foundations of old plan, which is to support the provision of economic self-sufficiency of Afghanistan.
The Resolution, which takes into account the outcomes of VII Regional Conference for Economic Cooperation in Afghanistan in Ashgabat on November 14 – 15, 2017, urges the world community to take further efforts for consolidation of he process of regional economic cooperation including the measures for support of the development of regional communication, trade and transit including under the Lazuli corridor and creation of working occupancies in Afghanistan.
In this aspect, Turkmenistan is an excellent example of reliable and accountable partner and real friend of Afghan people. Recognition of the importance and efficiency of realization of our economic projects by the UN is a bright evidence of right direction and close cooperation on Turkmenistan and Afghanistan in the world political arena.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says that our country would continue taking the most active part in international efforts on revival of neighbouring Afghanistan and supporting the restoration of its social and economic infrastructure assisting Afghan people in the intent to peaceful and wealthy life.