Global ID
La première édition globale de International Diplomat Magazine a terminé sa migration ultime, les publications ont été conservées. Cependant, nous finalisons encore les indexations au niveau des articles associés aux auteurs respectifs tout en développant les autres éditions indépendantes. Nous sommes installées dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu.
On An Equal Footing With All: Ireland at the League of Nations by Ita Marguet

On An Equal Footing With All: Ireland at the League of Nations by Ita Marguet, September 2023 An international exhibition marking the centenary of Ireland joining the League of Nations formed the centrepiece of the National Archives’ 2023 Commemoration Programme, and the conclusion of its formal engagement with the Decade of Centenaries. Working in partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Royal Irish Academy (Documents on Irish Foreign Policy), the exhibition was developed for presentation in Laois,…

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Titre publié : Culture, Ita's World Commentaires fermés sur On An Equal Footing With All: Ireland at the League of Nations by Ita Marguet