Global ID
La première édition globale de International Diplomat Magazine a terminé sa migration ultime, les publications ont été conservées. Cependant, nous finalisons encore les indexations au niveau des articles associés aux auteurs respectifs tout en développant les autres éditions indépendantes. Nous sommes installées dans la Constellation GDMA opérée par Système-dedieu.
Interview with Ragnar Lyng, Director Aqualyng

Q: You have developed a new technology for transforming salt water into fresh water. Could you tell us how it all started? In the mid-1990s, the founder of the Lyng Group and Aqualyng –– the now late Bjorn Lyng –– started work on the spectacular Anfi Del Mar resort hotel in the Canary Islands. He was happy with neither the quality nor the price of the water supplied by the local municipality and, in his typical entrepreneur spirit, thought:…

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“Life motivations in Geneva – A new international centre for life management skills and well-being”

At a time when stress-related illnesses and emotional upheaval are on the increase, where employees’ burn-out is not uncommon, Life Motivations in Geneva is offering solutions. This new Geneva-based institute proposes a variety of innovative approaches to these and other societal problems, teaches communication skills, relaxation and, most importantly, how to become self-confident so as to realize one’s full potential.. Isabel Contreras worked in the ILO for 24 years, and at the age of 48 decided to shift gears…

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Titre publié : English, Health & Well-Being Commentaires fermés sur “Life motivations in Geneva – A new international centre for life management skills and well-being”